I was among 30 Esperantists who demonstrated with 200,000 other at the World Social Forum of Porto Alegre, Brazil 2005. http://www.esperanto.com.br/libero/msf2005/5a-forumo.htm We also organized two lectures with perhaps 200 participants.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhPNn3xhhus I found it while wandering the internet into South America----Cordoba, Argentina more precisely. Thanks/Dankon.
Group photos around the world with the song Volas Ni--We Want from the Czecholslovakian group "Team"--pronounced Tay-am and meaning the same en English....and I love you in French.
Grup-fotoj cxirkau' la mondo kun la kanto "Volas Ni" de Cxehxoslovaka kanto-grupo "Team".
Here are a number of group photos of the largest annual " Universala Kongreso".
Forty or fifty Esperantists spread out in the Plaza of Arunda, Spain and after freezing for a minute or two yelled out "Esperanto Bridge Language for the World".
Group photos with music by Jomo: https://www.youtube.com/
http:// esperanto-cordoba.blogspot.com/
Group photos around the world with the song Volas Ni--We Want from the Czecholslovakian group "Team"--pronounced Tay-am and meaning the same en English....and I love you in French.
Grup-fotoj cxirkau' la mondo kun la kanto "Volas Ni" de Cxehxoslovaka kanto-grupo "Team".
Here are a number of group photos of the largest annual " Universala Kongreso".
Forty or fifty Esperantists spread out in the Plaza of Arunda, Spain and after freezing for a minute or two yelled out "Esperanto Bridge Language for the World".
Group photos with music by Jomo: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=9sX3J2h_7FE&feature=pla yer_embedded
Placxas al mi komenca kanto kun video de grup-fotoj el dudeko da landoj kaj multaj urboj.
For several years Catholics and Roman Esperanto speakers demonstrate in front of the Pope at the Vatican.
A young Danish Esperantist talks about Esperanto (and in it) at a peace demonstration.
Group pictures with music by Sinkopo, Masko Productions.
A new Hotel Esperanto (July 2012) in Macedonia, with a group of Esperantists in front.
Nova Hotelo Esperanto en Makedonio:
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid=3094706616949&se t=oa.370259696369667&type=1&th eater
Esperanto t-shirts. I buy from www.cafepress.com but here is an ad for another. I wear over 20 different Esperanto t-shirts, many designed by myself.
Photos out of the early Israeli Esperanto Movment.
Fotoj el la frua Israela E-o Movado: 1943-1945:
For several years Catholics and Roman Esperanto speakers demonstrate in front of the Pope at the Vatican.
A young Danish Esperantist talks about Esperanto (and in it) at a peace demonstration.
Group pictures with music by Sinkopo, Masko Productions.
A new Hotel Esperanto (July 2012) in Macedonia, with a group of Esperantists in front.
Nova Hotelo Esperanto en Makedonio:
Esperanto t-shirts. I buy from www.cafepress.com but here is an ad for another. I wear over 20 different Esperanto t-shirts, many designed by myself.
Photos out of the early Israeli Esperanto Movment.
Fotoj el la frua Israela E-o Movado: 1943-1945:
http://gxirafo.blogspot.com/ 2013/01/ esperanto-photo-archive-at-harv ard.html
Out of Tagikstan/Tagxikio
The last 7 minutes of this Russian/Ukrainian overview of Esperanto is full of recent group photos.
It has subtitles in Esperanto.
Esperanto in the Social Forum Movement in several countries. Naration in Esperanto. From minute 12:45 several photos are shown of Esperanto participation in Social Forums in Brazil, India and Africa. https://vimeo.com/2843237
A real demonstration and some special effects in the Ukraine makes for an interesting link:
I like this discussion on English spelling reform. People actually demonstrated against the unlogical spelling of English during spelling bees:
A 20 foot street sign in Slovenia of the Postal Union with stamps from throughout Europe with large words in Esperanto: Beautiful Greetings--Belajn Salutojn.
Less on Esperanto but on the intermixing of nations I'm attracted to the fact the Hebrew and Esperanto are the top languages used in this Paris street-sign.
About half the participants in Bialystok Poland World Esperanto Conference: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=170016036377199&set=a.100868893291914.315.100001064102501&type=1&theater¬if_t=photo_comment_tagged
Somewhere during the Social Forum of Porto Alegre Brazil, Neil Blonstein held a large Esperanto sign:
The centrist anti-death penalty Radical Party/No Peace No Justice NGO demonstrate in Rome for Esperanto generally and at the Vatican Easter programs of the Pope in particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgdnBy-YDTQ
Out of Tagikstan/Tagxikio
The last 7 minutes of this Russian/Ukrainian overview of Esperanto is full of recent group photos.
It has subtitles in Esperanto.
Esperanto in the Social Forum Movement in several countries. Naration in Esperanto. From minute 12:45 several photos are shown of Esperanto participation in Social Forums in Brazil, India and Africa. https://vimeo.com/2843237
A real demonstration and some special effects in the Ukraine makes for an interesting link:
I like this discussion on English spelling reform. People actually demonstrated against the unlogical spelling of English during spelling bees:
A 20 foot street sign in Slovenia of the Postal Union with stamps from throughout Europe with large words in Esperanto: Beautiful Greetings--Belajn Salutojn.
Less on Esperanto but on the intermixing of nations I'm attracted to the fact the Hebrew and Esperanto are the top languages used in this Paris street-sign.
About half the participants in Bialystok Poland World Esperanto Conference: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=170016036377199&set=a.100868893291914.315.100001064102501&type=1&theater¬if_t=photo_comment_tagged
Somewhere during the Social Forum of Porto Alegre Brazil, Neil Blonstein held a large Esperanto sign:
The centrist anti-death penalty Radical Party/No Peace No Justice NGO demonstrate in Rome for Esperanto generally and at the Vatican Easter programs of the Pope in particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgdnBy-YDTQ