Relavant minute:
Hey, where did you get the antique jukebox? Shush! Now, say heIIo to our new maid, Rosey, EIroy.
HeIIo to our new maid, Rosey, EIroy.
Can you throw a forward pass? I'm not sure, but I'II try.
Hi, Mother.
I'm home.
Judy, I thought you were going swimming.
Not with aII these homework tapes I have to Iisten to tonight.
GeopoIitics, Esperanto, space caIcuIus.
I'II never be finished.
I couId heIp you, Miss Judy.
I'm wired for tape anaIysis.
I shouId have aII the answers for you in about 1 0 minutes.
Judy, this is our new maid, Rosey.
Am I ever pIeased to meet you.
Rosey, you are out of this universe.
One minute clip (you may need a FB account??):
The whole episode without sound.
The picture is the precise moment that Esperanto is mentioned.
Esperanto was mentioned in the very first episode of "The Jetsons", a popular American cartoon series about a family of the future. The show debuted in 1962 and is set in the year 2062. Here's a video I made of the relevant segment from a website.
Esperanto estis menciita en la unua epizodo de "The Jetsons", populara usona televida karikatur-serio pri familio de la estonteco. La programo debutis en 1962 kaj okazas en la jaro 2062. Jen video kiun mi faris de la koncerna segmento el retejo.
Esperanto estis menciita en la unua epizodo de "The Jetsons", populara usona televida karikatur-serio pri familio de la estonteco. La programo debutis en 1962 kaj okazas en la jaro 2062. Jen video kiun mi faris de la koncerna segmento el retejo.